
Chisom Jane Obidike


My life, My journey, provides excellent empathy for women, 

and the challenge that present Itself in food and body images.

 When I was younger 

I was obsessed with how I looked 

I was obsessed with how thick or small I was.

I had this urge to always be on a weight-loss journey no matter how skinny I was 

weight loss to me meant being slim, and slim meant sexy and discipline

weight-loss meant i hard thing under control, my emotions, my life

At a very young age, I had tried different diets, teas that promised weight loss,

 fasting on multiple days, insane workout, whew!!!

nothing seemed to satisfy or make me feel comfortable

confident or make me less anxious

As a coping mechanism,

 I started to binge in order to manage my emotions 

used extreme exercise as a way to maintain my skinny appearance. 

This was because my identity revolved around being the skinny and fit one. 

Exercise and my body control my life.

At the same time,

I remained outwardly highly positive;

I used food and overtraining as a means to suppress any emotion that might threaten that.

I have dieted for so long and exercised every day. I was really slim,

but the downside of it was that I wasn’t happy.

My body was worn out. I had lost touch with my body, and one day, I snapped.

 I stopped exercising, and I started overeating.

It felt comfortable for a while; but shortly,

I gained a lot of weight, and my body image took another turn

It was after a series of this cycle that I discovered strength training,

movement, and self-compassion through an intense period of researching and learning.

I immersed myself in learning from the most knowledgeable minds in the movement,

strength training, mindfulness, and nutrition space in the world.

It was during this time that I recognized the role that food and movement played 

in my emotional regulation and bodily awareness.

For years I have continued to practice and develop what I have learned over the years.

This is through mindfulness, movement, play and strength training 

 I have incorporated all this  into my MOVE, EAT, LOVE coaching method.

 My program provides everything

I wish I had in my youth because I want women to enjoy the art of moving their bodies that feel comfortable

exercise in a way that builds up, eat food that nourishes their body, 

lose weight while living a full life so you can feel free and strong and energetic for as many years as possible.

Does This Sound Like You?

You have been trying to lose fat for as long as you can remember

You are easily stressed and cannot perform a simple movement without grasping for breath

You struggle with overeating 

No matter how much you sleep, you remain constantly fatigued

You started a fitness program but stopped somewhere along the line

You have tried lots of diet plans, and they seem to work for a while,

then you gain the weight back once you end the diet 

Your sleep suffers, and you are highly stressed

Your body aches 

You look in the mirror and do not like the body you see

How You Move, Eat And Train Affects How You Feel About Your Body

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If this is you, you are in the right place!

My interest in movement

how the human body works has lasted for years. 

Over the years, I've read, researched 

lost and gained weight myself as well as helped a few clients.

I understand how difficult it can be to pick at your body in the mirror.

This is especially evident if you have tried a lot of fitness programs out there.

As An Educator

Although I have a heavy academic background in fitness and nutrition coaching,

 movement training, strength training and mindfulness coaching


I believe truly these form the foundational knowledge of my work  

my life experience impacts mostly on my approach as an Educator.

It involves a whole lot of interaction and empathy for my clients and

the challenges that presents itself in real life situations

 I love to teach and I want my clients to understand

what goes on in their bodies when that move and eat a certain way

I wish someone told me this when I was younger, feels so liberating

Ify ezemenari

lifting feels so good, I cant remember the last time I felt this good, so much improvement in the last 6 months, maybe when I was a teenager, I wish someone had told me this earlier

Want to embark on a Fitness journey that Is sustainable and without misery?

I help you build a strong, healthy, and happy body, by guiding you 

through healing your relationship with food, exercise, and your body…
