Why you are not getting the benefits of exercise, and how you continue reading
July 30, 2023

July 30, 2023
Why you are not getting the benefits of exercise, and how you continue reading
July 17, 2023
Healing Your Relationship with Food and Exercise Getting started Throughout this post, continue reading
July 5, 2023
Medium musings and insights by Chisom jane obidike I write for body continue reading
July 3, 2023
It’s a journey not just of the body but also of the continue reading
June 26, 2023
The Pros and Cons continue reading
March 8, 2023
. Dear woman Stop beating yourself up. You are doing enough. Being continue reading
March 1, 2023
. Now that the month has begun, It is the month of continue reading
January 29, 2023
Practicing the art of Eating well I was so afraid to gain continue reading
January 16, 2023
I started a 9-5 and got so busy I didn’t know how continue reading
January 3, 2023
ify Who are you serving when you workout Yourself or the society continue reading
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I want to educate, empower and support women to move more and better, build a positive body image and see the awesome things their bodies can do, and also feel their best
Imagine a world where we are not compelled to lose weight
Where women stop restricting and missing out on food they love, find food freedom and eat without guilt and appreciate their amazing bodies for what it can do not just how it looks
Imagine the energy we would have to leave better lives.
Move Eat Love
coach, blogger, podcaster,