Healing Your Relationship with Food and Exercise
Getting started
Throughout this post, we will discuss
What it looks like to have a relationship with food
Understanding your relationship with food, both the positive and negative parts of it
During this discussion, we’ll talk about the difficulties you might face when trying to lose weight and exercise
After that, we will help you understand the relationship you have with food
How fitness coaching can help you heal your relationship with food
Learn what you need to know before signing up for an online fitness program
Enjoy your time

The Struggles Many Women Face With Dieting and Exercise
The average person who weighs normally believes that they are overweight,
People who are overweight believe they weigh too much,
there is something about women and weight
There is something about our bodies that keep us trying to fix them,
I feel like we are constantly worrying about it
There is always just one more thing to do to be sexy
Exercise one more time
Eat green
Maybe a detox will fix me …those used to be me
My body will be perfect if I lose more pounds
The lives of many women are restricted in some way
It may be that they feel restricted in some way because they won’t do anything fun until they lose weight
It is always important for them to watch what they eat
The amount of food they consume
They are always concerned about their weight
The way they are viewed by others
Rather than being concerned about how you feel about weight,
they are concerned about how they should look based on the standards of others.
So they diet in the most gruesome way; it sad to see
Intermittent fasten
Long walks
All in one day. And we celebrate living like this…..
Doing all that is far from healthy
It is the opposite of being healthy or living healthy
This leads down the path of developing a disordered eating habit
One minute you are starving, the next you cannot control how much you are eating
It hurts to see the amount of miss-information out there
And how little people know about fitness and health
And how do you find the energy to move and the joy to do anything?
Dieting is common, and it can be both helpful and harmful.
people of all weights and sizes are trying to lose weight
so it is not only a fat person’s problem
Dieting and exercise are simple but not very easy to get through if you know what you are doing,
most of our struggles stem from not knowing what we are doing.
Ask yourself these…
What do I know about the diet,
Do I know what I am doing,
Am I you just skipping meals hoping you will get lean
What does portion control mean to me?
How about the exercise program?
Are am only taking longer walks to lose weight,
Am I performing harder exercises to feel like I am working hard?
Am I performing exercises named after a body part?
or a cardio-based exercise in hopes that the number on the scale goes down
Do the exercises I am performing feel good to Me?
Does it make sense to me?
Does my body feel good after?
There are lots of questions you can ask yourself, to determine if you are just wasting your time or doing meaningful work
are you just following a set of rules
Have the diet or exercise programs you have been doing taught you anything
do you think the process does not matter?
Or does it matter?
If most of your answers are no, then you are getting all wrong and causing yourself to suffer more than you should
If you cannot make sense of the process, you will struggle
and this will lead you down the rabbit hole of trying to control your body and how it looks
Diets work only when you know what you are doing,
The same goes for exercising
You have to work intentionally to get results because with results you are most likely to be discouraged
Before you jump on a fitness diet
It is vital to explore and learn about nutrition, not just to confirm what you already know,
learn the opposing principles, explore different food choices,
How does your body feel
Do you believe carbs are the problem,
Then study why carbs are the best thing, get your view on the two ideas…
Don’t stick to what is popular or what you have been sold, and make it the sole focus of your journey.
Explore different options. T
that’s where you find what works for you.
Trying to lose fat is not the problem;
the problem is who you become in the process
you dont have to make your life harder than it already is
The Dieting Dilemma: Why Dieting Often Fails
Does diet fail you, or are you the reason the fail?
Why do you think the popular diets we know fail a lot
fail in the sense that we cannot stick to it very long
as much as I would love to blame the diets,
it’s the person doing it
how much do you know about food and eating
are you just going with random ideas here and there
a simple question to ask: do you understand the concept of energy in, energy out
more like calorie in, calorie out
does it make sense to you when applying,
it will make sense if you understand that very low calories mean you get hungry and can not stick to a diet for a long time
and that is the main reason diets fail
have you explored your food long enough to know what quantity of food you need?
Some of the reason diets fail a lot is a lack of knowledge and behavioral change
that is why you hear people say it worked, but when I stopped dieting, I gained weight
one of the major reasons you gained weight is that you didnt build any new habit
And for you to build a new habit, you have to know which skill you are building and make it intentional
Another reason is that we are scared of change and scared of losing what we have always known,
the process of dieting for many provides a moral compass
or a need to feel like they are putting on work towards a healthy life and not need to change
we are stuck in that cycle, and this is still a matter of what you know,
If you know that a restrictive diet is the reason you keep overeating, you will not need to keep doing that to yourself
Restrictive dieting, in this sense, means being on a diet that leaves you constantly hungry and wanting to eat all the time
If you are on a diet, when you see food, you lose yourself in it until you are done eating, then it is not necessary to be on it.
The Need For A Different Approach

Constant diets have their psychological impact,
like how we perceive our body image, how we approach food and the world
While a lot of people, both overweight and normal weight, are trying to lose weight, a lot of the time we are, it hasn’t made us any better
we still over-eat and feel shameful about it
That is why we need a different approach,
shining a light on what we know about your relationship with food and exercise and moving towards healing it
when you adopt a neutral approach to food, dieting is easier
or maybe you might not want to diet anymore
you have to be willing to heal first
How to start building a different approach: Strategies
Meditation and awareness helps you become more aware of your thought,
when we constantly overeat, we dont notice we are feeling something,
it mostly often after we are done that we realize that we have finished all that food, distracting ourselves with the soothing feeling that food brings
meditation helps you build mindfulness around what you are doing.
The voices in your head are a lot, and they can stop you from hearing your thoughts and allowing you to feel.
Practicing at least %5 mins every day takes you from reacting to your emotions to responding instead
Journaling is really good; I know we hardly know what happened before you started craving food; we just find that we crave some food and then eat them,
But what triggered that craving in what we are yet to discover
It is ok to be hungry, but what about craving when you are not hungry
Are you bored?
did you not sleep last night?
Are you feeling anxious?
Do you have a busy day tomorrow?
Has work been overwhelming and busy?
did you have a stressful day?
when last did you allow your self feel your feeling?
sometimes we don’t know these things,
we are using food to numb ourselves,
we dont let ourselves feel, so we are numbing with the food
we try to stay positive no matter what,
One thing about my home country is that when there is a feeling of unease in the air
one thing we do is eat,
we take every opportunity to eat,
to get that feeling of safety
Have I mentioned that food has a way of making us feel safe,
It soothes us in a way alcohol or smoking soothes a lot of people
And most of the time, these things go hand in hand
You crave more food after you have smoked or had something to drink
understanding what role food plays for you through journaling will help you understand why you undereat and over-eat
Why would you rather stay hungry, or why would you eat until you are numb
Read more on this here
just understanding where you are, what stories you are telling yourself
will help you on your journey to building your relationship with food
If you want to learn more about why you want to heal your relationship with food, first listen here; this will help you build on what you know,
start from where you are
it will help you recognize what you are doing with food and exercise
and then lead
Download your free journal here
Understanding Your Relationship with Food and Exercise
When you hear the word exercise or food, what comes to mind, (take a moment to think about this)
I come from a culture that celebrates overeating and hardly exercising
a lot of people in my country see overeating as a sign of wealth
eat a lot of fancy food, and you are rich
it’s a status thing
talk about how much you love food, and you are applauded
in the case of exercise, we see it mainly as a tool to shed the excess weight gain from overeating, and if you hardly have enough food to eat, then you will overeat any chance you get
It is like a culture where you belong with the cool kids when you say you hate exercising and love eating
we all love food,
food has been a sign of connection for us since we all were babies,
so it is not for a select few
It is important to remember that food is so much more than that for a lot of us
food is soothing and helps us with relaxation
that is why we crave food when we are stressed out, heartbroken, angry, or happy
food and emotion go hand in hand
knowing this
first, identify where you are with your relationship with food,
what does food mean to you?
what does food do for you?
What does exercise mean to you?
can you say no to food,
not only when you think you should be dieting
example, you are offered a meal, and you are not hungry,
can you say oh no, I am not hungry,
or do you say oh, it’s food? How can I ever say no to food?
You would never know until you try exercising outside of a weight goal,
Can you get the benefits of exercising
and eating in a way that nourishes your body
Definitely, you can, you have to allow yourself to go through the whole journey
The Importance of Having a Healthy Relationship With Food and Exercise
By building a habit of exercising and eating in a way that nourishes you,
life becomes a little bit more beautiful,
when you have a good relationship with food, you are not preoccupied with the thought of food
and you don’t worry when you eat
which translates to less worry about your body
you do not have to wear your hate for your body like a badge of honor
I see that a lot where people openly talk about hating their bodies unless it comes down to a body size
Truly it never makes you feel better, and it only makes things a bit more difficult
How a negative relationship between food and exercise can hinder weight loss and wellness

Having a negative relationship with exercise and food hinders your weight loss goal,
because you find yourself either medicating with food and exercise
trying to apply discipline and control
and if you are not listening to your body
you will not know the toll all this back and forth with food and exercsie takes on your body
and when it breaks down, you either end up overeating or undereating
and not able to exercise, then you are less healthy or fit
and we are not talking about fat loss anymore
you have to get healthy first
More details in my podcast here
You can overeat sometimes and that would be fine but when done all the time then it is a problem!!!
The Role of A Health and Fitness Coach in Healing Your Relationship with Food and Exercise
A qualified Coach is important in building a relationship with your food, body, and exercise,
a good coach will support you with your eating and exercise
they are there to guide you, and
teaches you what you need to know to be able to build a healthier relationship with food, exercise, and your body
a coach provides the map, and you do the work
it only works when you do the work!!
A good coach will recognize where you are improving with your habits without shaming you for struggling
A good coach creates space for you to be open, communicate and share more about their problem
a good coach recognizes that you are human,
we all have bad days and will support you through the hard days and still get things done
a good coach will not try to fix you,
they acknowledge your pain, hold space for you, and recognize the common suffering
A good coach will not shame you for your struggles and shame you for not having the willpower.
look out for these qualities when looking out for a coach; you can’t hate your way into changing your body
Above all they keep you accountable, you probably can’t do this by yourself
How a fitness coach can help in healing the relationship between food and exercise
it is fine. You dont want your fat around your midsection,
but talking critically to yourself or shaming yourself
taking note of how much you talk badly about your body will help you recognize why you feel about your body
how much you are always checking your body out
where uncomfortable cloths
constantly weighing yourself
talking about how you ate like a pig
watching the word you use on yourself will take you a step further
stay away from coaches that call your body name, or tell you that you need to fix a particular part of your body
Fitness Coaching: A New Way to Stay in Shape
It is easy to say you can handle these things on your own, but at the same time, these things can be quite complex,
why not get a professional to guide and take a more strategic approach
you can’t think your way into a good relationship with food
if you struggle with your body, food, and exercise,
it is really important to seek guided professionals if you have access to it
another way is to read books recommended by others, listen to podcasts of the people you trust
Our move eat love coaching method helps you recognize where you are with your relationship with food and moves your forward to what you need to be,
it is a do it once,e and you never have to do it again,
It is not about another diet or fitness program, and it is a guide to all you need to know about nutrition, body, and exercise
don’t self-diagnose yourself,
I encounter these a lot Listen here
Consider a 3-6month coaching option; this way you have built a strong foundation to keep you going for the rest of your life
You have to acknowledge the importance of understanding where you are with food, exercise, and your body,
The importance of knowledge and application,
The struggles with diet and healing your relationship with food and your body
if you need help to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body reach out for a one-on-one coaching session, or you can opt for the group coaching option or check out our nutrition course
Remember, we are all doing our best with where we are and what we know
knowing this, it is important to want to know more so you can make better decisions that get you to where you are going to
Remember health is not just going to the gym, It is so much more than that, It is all of us and more